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Riverty Consumer Satisfaction Index.

In this first edition we will shine light on:

✓ Top 10 merchants per country with highest satisfaction rate

✓ Top performing categories & connected satisfaction

✓ How & why behind the highest satisfaction

Download the latest edition below.

Nikki Constantine Oct 6, 2022 10 minutes
Riverty Consumer Satisfaction Index

Download report here

About Riverty Ecommerce Review

Riverty conducts ongoing consumer research in online shopping and behaviors in the Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom and Norway. We provide insights into consumer attitudes, behavior and shifts in consumption and preferences. Whatever the reason for these shifts may be – trends, public opinion or a crisis – Riverty Ecommerce Review is here to help you understand the ecommerce landscape. Regular blogs and rapports such as our Riverty Consumer Satisfaction Index helps you staying on top of your ecommere game.

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Every two months we, as Riverty, look into the levels of shoppers’ satisfaction and the development of market shares of all online purchases. With regard to the webshop, we review the ability to deliver satisfactory online purchases, with a new focus or angle in each edition. Sign up for our newsletter or keep an eye on our LinkedIn page to never miss an update.